Mohammad Sharaf

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I’m Mohammad Sharaf, a Kuwait-based designer and the director of Sharaf Studio. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Marketing and another bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design. I later earned his MFA from the School of Visual Arts in New York. I am interested in social and political symbolism and specializes in visual identity, typography and editorial design. 

In 2011, I started a series of works entitled “Visual Reactions” which he used to communicate his views on rising local, regional, and international issues. In 2018 "The Cemetery of Banned Books", was a public art intervention created to protest against censorship in Kuwait.

Currently, showing my installation “AFTER THE END” at the “Arab Design Now” exhibition as part of DESIGN DOHA 2024.

I continue to expand in my use of mediums, creating bold, powerful and thought-provoking visuals alongside themes that reflect on current society.

If you are interested, here is my resume
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